Statement Date/Time: 05/07/2024 06:54:19 PM

NGI Help Document
If you are unable to find the answer to your question, please Contact Latitude.

Click on a Help Topic below

NGI Overview
About Nominations
About Customer Inventories, OBAs and Fuel
System Requirements

How do I...

 View today's nominations?
 View prior day nominations?
 Change an existing nomination?
 Submit a nomination?
 Input/change Scheduled Quantities?
 Tell if a Point Operator has confirmed today's nominations?

 View/Adjust Customer Inventories?
 View/Adjust OBA Balances?
 Input Actual Quantities into NGI?

 Add/Edit a Storage Contract?
 Add/Delete NGI Users?
 Add/Edit Storage Customers?
 Add/Edit an Interconnect?

 Provide Measured Volumes?
 Edit Capacity Release Offer and Bids and Create Awards?


 Why won't my screen update after I enter information?
 Why is the system slow?

NGI Overview

NGI helps you view and change nominations, scheduled quantities, manage Customer inventories and other storage transactions.

NGI is Internet-based, meaning that the program runs on a server on the Internet. To access the program, all you need is a standard Internet browser, such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Internet Explorer (see "System Requirements" for a list of correct versions of these browsers).

And since NGI is Internet-based, it can be accessed from any computer with an Internet connection. You can access NGI from your computer at work, from your laptop, or your computer at home.

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About Nominations

Nominations on NGI are entered using a "Pathed" model, in other words, by specifying a Storage Contract, Transaction Type, Beginning and Ending Dates/Times, Receipt information (quantity, upstream entities, as applicable) or Delivery information (quantity, downstream entities, as applicable).

Once a nomination is entered by either the Operator or a Storage Customer, it is available for viewing and editing by the Operator or the Storage Customer at any time up to and including the day of flow. After the flow date, noms are editable only by the Operator.

For multi-day nominations (say, for example, a nomination for an entire month), NGI takes the nomination information and breaks it into daily "buckets". Each day of the nomination can then be edited without effecting the rest of the month's nominations.

For example, prior to flow day, a Storage Customer enters a nomination for 10,000 Dth per day beginning on Day 1 at 9:00am and continuing through Day 20 at 9:00am. NGI takes that information and creates 19 daily buckets. If the Customer then decides on Day 7 to change the flow on Day 9 to 11,000 Dth, the Customer edits the nomination for Day 9, changing the volume to 11,000. The volumes on Day 8 and Day 10 remain at the original rate of 10,000.

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About Customer Inventories, OBAs and Fuel

NGI tracks the natural gas inventory of each Customer via their contract number. As such, each contract number must be unique.

All nominated and scheduled quantities are "kept whole" for Customer inventory purposes, i.e. all scheduled quantities (less fuel) are applied to Customer inventories on a daily basis. Specifically, NGI updates Customer inventories each night, using that day's scheduled quantities to update each contract inventory as follows:

New Customer Inventory = Previous Customer Inventory + Scheduled Quantity - Fuel Quantity.

Fuel is applied by NGI in the following manner:

  • For injection Transaction Types, the Fuel Rate provided for a given Transaction Type is applied to the scheduled quantity to produce the Fuel Quantity. The Fuel Quantity is then subtracted from the scheduled quantity and the result is added to the contract inventory.
  • For withdrawal Transaction Types, the Fuel Rate provided for a given Transaction Type is applied to the scheduled quantity to produce the Fuel Quantity. The Fuel Quantity and the scheduled quantity are then subtracted from the contract inventory.
In other words, injections are net fuel, but withdrawals are kept whole.

Variances between scheduled and actual quantities are allocated to OBA accounts at each interconnect. OBA accounts are created automatically whenever an interconnect is added to NGI.

NGI uses the following sign conventions:

  • Positive numbers represent injections, or flows coming into the storage facility.
  • '-' or negative numbers represent withdrawals, or flows leaving the storage facility.


  • A positive OBA Balance indicates gas due the storage facility.
  • A negative OBA balance indicates gas due the interconnected pipeline.

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System Requirements

NGI requires the minimum PC configuration noted below. If you are not sure of the configuration of your computer, see your system administrator.

Processor 1 GHz
Memory 1 GB
Display 1024 x 768, 12K colors
Internet Connection: Broadband
Browser Google Chrome OR
Mozilla Firefox OR
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Browser support Frames, Cookies, 128-bit SSL

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How do I view today's nominations?

To view all nominations that are scheduled to flow today, click on the "Daily Nom Summary" link on the left hand side of the screen. Select today's date. A list of all nominations for the selected date will be displayed.

To view more details about any particular nomination, click on the blue Nom # in the left-most column. A Nomination Detail screen will appear with all information related to that nomination.

Clicking "Cancel" will return you to the main screen.

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How do I view prior day nominations?

To view nominations that are scheduled to flow for any given day, click on the "Daily Nom Summary" link on the left hand side of the screen. Select the date you wish to view. A list of all nominations for the selected date will be displayed.

To view more details about any particular nomination, click on the blue number in the Nom# column. A Nomination Detail screen will appear with all information related to that nomination.

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How do I change an existing nomination?

To change or modify a previously submitted nomination, click on the text on the left hand side of the screen that reads "Daily Nom Summary". Select the date of the nomination you wish to edit. A list of all nominations for the selected date will be displayed.

Click on the number of the nom you wish to edit in the Nom # column. A Nomination Detail screen will appear with all information related to that nomination.

To save your changes, click on "Submit Changes".

NGI allows changes to all future nominations and changes to prior, or "back-dated" nominations up to 100 days prior to the current date. Note that back-dated noms changes are not screened for compliance with Customer contract MDIQ or MDWQ limitations.

To perform other post-flow inventory adjustments (fuel, shrinkage, etc.), see "How do I View/Adjust Customer Inventories?"

Note that editing back-dated noms can effect both customers inventories and OBA Balances.

To completely remove the nomination from NGI, click on "Delete Nom". If a record of the nom is desired, the nom can be "zeroed" instead of deleted by entering a "0" nom quantity and clicking on "Submit Changes". Note that back-dated noms can be zeroed, but cannot be deleted.

Clicking "Cancel" will return you to the main screen without submitting any changes to the nomination.

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How do I submit a nomination?

A nomination can be submitted by the Operator for any Customer contract. Noms may be entered for any day (or days), including dates before today (back-dated noms).

Note that submitting back-dated noms will effect both customer inventories and OBA balances. The Customer contract must be valid for the date of the back-dated nom. Also, back-dated noms are not screened for compliance with Customer contract MDIQ or MDWQ limitations.

To submit a nomination, click on the "Submit Nominations" link on the left hand side of the screen. Select the desired Contract and Transaction Type and click on "Continue".

A screen with the appropriate fields for your nomination information will appear.

You can use the "TAB" key or your mouse to move from field to field to input information.

To submit your nomination click on "Save Nomination". NGI will prompt you if you have forgotten some required information or have improperly entered any information.

Clicking "Reset" will clear all information without submitting the nomination.

Clicking "Cancel" will return you to the main screen with no nomination being submitted.

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How do I input/change scheduled quantities?

To input or change previously submitted scheduled quantities, click on the "Schedule Qtys by Point" link on the left hand side of the screen. Select the date you wish to view. A list of all scheduled nominations for the selected date will be displayed.

Scheduled quantities can be modified by typing in the "Scheduled Quantity" fields. Note that the default Scheduled Quantity is the nominated quantity.

Scheduled quantities for both the Receipt and Delivery points, if applicable, may be entered. Additionally, reduction reason codes and comments may be entered.

To submit your changes, click on the "Submit" button.

Note that the NGI Scheduled Quantities screen allows changes to scheduled quantities up to and including the day of flow. For post-flow changes, Scheduled Quantities can be modified by editing the nom (see "How do I change an existing nomination?").

Clicking "Cancel" will return you to the main screen without submitting any changes to the scheduled quantities.

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How do I tell if a Point Operator has confirmed today's nominations?

Point operator confirmations ("Yes" or "No") are shown on the "Schedule Qtys by Point" and "View Point Quantities" screens under the "Confirmed" column heading.

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How do I provide Measured Volumes?

In accordance with NAESB standards, NGI allows storage operators to supply Customers periodic postings of measured volumes.

To input measured volumes, click on the "Measured Volumes" link. The bottom row allows Customer/Contract-specific measurement information including date range, interconnect, quantity and volume.

To submit your changes, click on the "Submit" button.

Clicking "Cancel" will return you to the main screen without submitting any changes.

Note that only the indicated shipper will be able to view the corresponding measured volumes.

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How do I input actual quantities into NGI?

Daily actual flow quantities are needed in order for NGI to correctly calculate the OBA balances at each interconnect.

When actual quantities are input, the difference between actual quantities and scheduled quantities is added to each interconnect's OBA.

Note that entering actual quantities will not effect any Customer's inventory.

NGI uses the following sign conventions:

  • Positive numbers represent injections/receipts, or flows coming into the storage facility.
  • '-' or negative numbers represent withdrawals/deliveries, or flows leaving the storage facility.

There are two ways to enter Actuals in NGI:

  • By Day
  • By Month

By Day

To input actual quantities by day, click on the "Actual Volumes by Day" link under the "Flowing Gas" section. Select the appropriate day. NGI displays a list of current scheduled quantities for each interconnect for the selected day. Note that actual quantities may only be input for prior flow days. NGI permits actuals to be entered only in contiguous chronological order.

Enter in the actual quantities (in Dth) that were measured for each interconnect. Note the sign convention for injection/receipts and withdrawals/deliveries.

To save your input, click on "Save Actual Volumes".

Clicking "Cancel" will return you to the main screen without submitting any changes.

By Month

To input actual quantities by month, click on the "Actual Volumes by Month" link under the "Flowing Gas" section. Select the appropriate Month/Year and Interconnect. NGI displays a list of current scheduled quantities for each day for the selected interconnect. Note that actual quantities may only be input for prior flow days. NGI permits actuals to be entered only in contiguous chronological order.

Enter in the actual quantities (in Dth) that were measured for each day. Note the sign convention for injection/receipts and withdrawals/deliveries.

To save your input, click on "Save Actual Volumes".

Clicking "Cancel" will return you to the main screen without submitting any changes.

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How do I edit Capacity Release offers and bids and create awards?

Storage Customers or Operators can post offers and bids for released storage capacity. NGI allows the Operator to edit existing offer and bids, and create and post subsequent awards.

To edit an existing offer, bid or award, click on the "Offers Bids Awards" link on the left hand side of the screen. NGI displays a summary of all current offers and their associated bids and, if awarded, awards. Click on the highlighted offer/bid/award number to edit the entry.

To create an award for an existing offer/bid pair, click on the "Make Award" button located next to the winning bid.

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How do I view/adjust Customer inventories?

NGI provides Operators with several tools for managing storage inventories as shown under the "Inventory Mgmt" category on the left hand side of the screen.

Clicking on the "Facility Inventory" link provides a complete view of all Customers beginning inventories for the current day.

Clicking on the "Historical Inventory" link provides three options:

  • the "Inventory Summary" link provides a quick view of all Customers inventories for the selected day, including nominated injections/withdrawals and resulting inventories.

  • the "Customer Inventory" link allows you to view the inventory of a given Customer/contract over a specified date range. Select a Customer/contract pair form the top drop-down box, then input the desired date range and click "Continue".

  • "Facility Inventory" over a date range. Enter the Start and End dates and click on "Continue".

Clicking on the "Projected Inventory" link provides a single or multi-day projection of all Customer inventories based on their current nominations.

To modify a given Customers inventory level, click on the "Adjust Inventory" link. Select the Customer/contract and date desired and click on "Continue". The Inventory Adjustment screen shows, for the selected day, the current Customer's beginning inventory, nominations and projected ending inventory. The Customer's inventory can be increased or decreased along with an optional "Rate" input. Click on "Update Inventory" to save your inventory change. Click on "Cancel" to leave the inventory unchanged.

Note that changing customer inventories will not change existing OBA balances or Customer nominations. Customer inventory adjustments appear in subsequent reports as a "nomination" with the transaction type "inventory adjustment".

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How do I add/edit a Contract?

NGI allows Operators to add, edit or delete Customer Contracts.

Note that in order to create a contract, the Customer/Company holding that contract must first be entered in NGI (see "How do I add/edit a Storage Customer?")

To add a contract, click on the "Contract Mgmt" link in the "Misc" category, then click on "Contracts". Select "Add Contract", then select the Customer and Contract Category and hit "Continue".

Not all of the data on the contract information screen will apply to every contract. For each transaction type applicable to the contract, click the "Yes" or "D.E.R." (Date Effective Rates) radio button. The corresponding "Fuel%" and "Rate" fields (per Interconnect) will be applied to all nominations of that transaction type for this contract.

To edit a contract, click on the "Contract Mgmt" link in the "Misc" category, click on "Contracts".

A list of all Active Contracts will be presented. Click on the Contract Number in the left hand column to see details of the contract. Contracts details may be edited and saved by clicking "Submit".

Clicking "Delete This Contract" will remove the contract from the system. A removed contract will no longer appear in reports or views. To make a contract inactive (as opposed to deleted), change the Effective/Termination Dates to a day prior to the current day.

Clicking "Cancel" will return you to the main screen without submitting any changes.

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How do I add/delete NGI users?

NGI users access the system with a User Name and a Password. All users fall into one of five classes:

  • Customer - a holder of a storage contract. Customers access only the Customer Area of NGI and can view only the nomination, contract and other information associated with their Customer.
  • Point Operator - operator of an interconnected pipeline. Point Operators access only the Point Operator Area and can view all nominated and scheduled quantities at their assigned point.
  • Operator - Operators can access only the Operator area. An Operator has access to all NGI information - see caution below.
  • Plant Operator - a technician running the storage facility. Plant Operators access only the Plant Operator Area and have "view-only" access to all nomination and scheduling information.
  • Admin - Admins have the same functions as an Operator, plus the ability to Manage User Roles and add/edit users to multiple facilities.

To provide access to any of these users, click on the "User Mgmt" link in the "Misc" category on the left hand side of the screen. Then select the appropriate link to manage either Operator/Customer/Plant Operator users or Point Operator users.

Note that in order to add a new Customer user, the Company of that user must first be entered in NGI (see "How do I add/edit a Storage Customer?")

To add a new user, click on the "Manage Operators, Customers and Plant Operators" link on the menu. Then click on "Add User". Type in the required fields and click "Submit".


To delete an user, click on their Username to drill down into their user record. Then, click "Delete".

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How do I add/edit a Storage Customer?

Storage customers can be added or edited by clicking on the "Customer Mgmt" link in the "Misc" category of the navigation area on the left hand side of the screen.

To add a new Customer, click on "Add Customer". Fill in the relevant fields for the new Customer. A Customer name and DUNs number is required. All other fields are optional.

To change existing Customer information, click on the name of the Customer. Click on "Save Changes" to save your changes.

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How do I View/Adjust OBA Balances?

NGI provides for OBAs at all storage facility interconnects. To view or adjust OBA balances, click on the "OBA Management" link under the "Flowing Gas" category on the left hand side of the screen.

To view the balance for all interconnects for a given day, type the date in the upper box on the OBA management screen and click "Show OBA Summary".

To view a daily record of OBA activity at a given interconnect, select the interconnect and date range in the middle boxes on the OBA management screen and click "Show OBA Detail".

To adjust OBA balances, select the Interconnect and date of the OBA change and click "Continue". The OBA adjustment screen provides the OBA balance for the selected date and adjustment options. Select either increase/decrease, the quantity and optionally, any comments. Click "Update OBA Balance" to save your changes.

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How do I Add/Edit Interconnects?

NGI allows the Operator to add or edit pipeline interconnect information. To add a new interconnect, click on "Interconnect Mgmt" under the "Misc" category on the left hand side of the screen. Click "Add Interconnect" and complete the information about the new interconnect. Click "Add Interconnect" to add the new interconnect.

To edit information about an existing interconnect, click on "Interconnect Mgmt" under the "Misc" category on the left hand side of the screen to view a list of current interconnects. Click on the interconnect name to edit interconnect information. Note that an interconnect cannot be deleted once entered. Click "Save Changes" to save your changes.

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Why won't my screen update after I enter information?

You are probably experiencing an Internet problem known as "caching." A cache is locally stored Internet data. Once you fetch data from an Internet server (like NGI), your computer (or your company's Internet gateway computer) stores the data so that it is quickly available next time you request it.

The problem with this "time saving" feature is that you don't always receive the newest data from the NGI server - you get the locally "cached" version.

To solve this problem, try the following:

  1. Use the "Reload" button on your browser to retrieve non-cached data.
  2. "Log-out" or close your browser between NGI sessions.
  3. Ask your system administrator about the caching policies in your company. They may be able to increase the cache "refresh" interval or minimize caching effects.

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Why is the system slow?

The response time provided by NGI depends on numerous factors. NGI is designed with minimal download time in mind, but because it is Internet-based, many communications systems are involved in bringing NGI to your computer.

To help solve this problem, examine:

  1. Your Internet connection - NGI requires at least a Broadband connection for satisfactory response. Slower connections, as typically found in hotels or through dial-up Internet service providers, may produce longer waiting times.
  2. Your computer - Running multiple applications at the same time will slow any computer. Try reducing the number of applications active while using NGI. Also, make sure your computer meets the minimum requirements for NGI (see "System Requirements").

If the problem persists, please Contact Latitude.

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