Statement Date/Time: 07/27/2024 05:12:31 AM

Capacity Release - Offer

TSP Name: Perryville Gas Storage LLC
TSP: 054754797

General Information
Posting Date / Time: 03/27/2023 04:18 PM
Offer Number: 2023.03.27.161815
Releaser Contract Number: COA00756S
Releaser Name: Athens Utilities
Releaser: 103050709
Return Addressee Name: Athens Utilities
Return Addressee: 103050709
Previously Released Indicator: Yes
Release Type Description: Temporary Point to Point Prearranged
Replacement Shipper Role Indicator: AMA
Special Terms and Miscellaneous
Notes AMA Obligations:
Storage Inventory-Conditioned Release Indicator: Yes
Special Terms and Miscellaneous
Notes - Storage Inventory Conditions:
Releaser Requested Posting Date: 03/28/2023
Releaser Requested Posting Time: 11:00
Capacity Award Date: 03/28/2023
Capacity Award Time: 12:01
Status: Change

Release Term
Release Term Start Date: 04/01/2023   Release Term End Date: 10/31/2026
Permanent Release Indicator: No

Biddable Deal Indicator
Biddable Deal Indicator Description: No

Prearranged Deal Information
Prearranged Deal Indicator: Yes
Bidder Name: undisclosed
Bidder: undisclosed
Bid Quantity Contract: 150000
Affiliate Indicator: None
Prearranged Deal Match Date:
format mm/dd/yyyy
03/28/2023 Prearranged Deal Match Time:
format hh:mm (24 hr)

Rerelease, Recall and Stand Alone Offer Information
Allowable Re-release Indicator: Y
Recall/Reput Indicator Description: Capacity Recallable and Reput Must Be Taken By Replacement Shipper
Recall Notification Period: Timely Early Evening Evening Intraday 1 Intraday 2 Intraday 3
Business Day Indicator:
Recall Reput Terms:
(If Applicable)
Stand-alone Offer Indicator Description: Yes

Offer Quantity and Location Information
Location/Quantity Type Indicator Description: Storage Qty
Right to Amend Primary Points Indicator Description: No
Replacement Shipper responsible for all incremental
demand charges for alternate point use:
Min Offer Qty - K: 150,000      Max Offer Qty - K: 150,000
Measurement Basis Description: Million Btu's

MDIQ Ratchets and Quantities
Location Name Location Loc Purp From Qty To Qty MDQ Primary Qty Secondary Qty IT Qty
Columbia Gulf Mainline 4235 IJ 0 150,000 1,500 0 0 0
Gulf Run 822033 IJ 0 150,000 1,500 0 0 0

MDWQ Ratchets and Quantities
Location Name Location Loc Purp From Qty To Qty MDQ Primary Qty Secondary Qty IT Qty
Columbia Gulf Mainline 4235 WR 0 150,000 3,000 0 0 0
EGT Line CP at CGS 810067/66 WR 0 150,000 3,000 0 0 0
Gulf Run 822033 WR 0 150,000 3,000 0 0 0
Perryville_Gas_Storage_Hub 11111111 WR 0 150,000 3,000 0 0 0

Offer Rate Information
Rate Form/Type Code Description: Volumetric Charge Only
Rate Identification Code: Vol
Rate Bid: 0
Rate Schedule: FSS
Credit Covered by: Releasing Shipper
Minimum Rate Disclosure Indicator Description: Disclosed
Discount Indicator - non Reservation: No
Discount Indicator:
Surcharge Indicator Description:
Market Based Rate Indicator: Yes
Reservation Rate Basis Description: Per Month

Rate Definition
IBR Ind: No
Releaser Designation of Acceptable Bidding Basis Description: - Non-Index-Based Release - Absolute Dollars and Cents per Unit Basis
Maximum Tariff Rate:
0 Minimum Acceptable Rate:

Special Terms and Miscellaneous Notes

Contact Information
Releaser Contact Name: Steve Carter Releaser Contact Email Address:
Releaser Contact Phone Number: 256-233-8016 Releaser Contact Fax Number: