Statement Date/Time: 07/27/2024 05:28:58 AM

Capacity Release - Bid
TSP Name: Perryville Gas Storage LLC
TSP: 054754797

Offer Information
Offer Number: 2017.02.06.112646
Affiliate Indicator: None
Release Term Start Date: 04/01/2017   Release Term End Date: 03/31/2018
Min Offer Qty - K: 1500000 Dth   Max Offer Qty - K: 1500000 Dth
Bid Receipt Date: 02/07/2017
Bid Receipt Time: 09:20
Posting Date: 02/07/2017
Posting Time: 09:20
Status: Change
Releaser: 782488415
Releaser Name: Enable Gas Transmission LLC
Special Terms and Miscellaneous Notes: Transactions may be subject to ACA charges. Replacement Shipper will pay to Perryville Gas Storage Company volumetric charges including $.01/Dth on injection volumes, $.01/Dth on withdrawal volumes, and fuel reimbursement of 1.5% in-kind on injections.

Bid Details
Bidder's Release Term Start Date: 04/01/2017   Bidder's Release Term End Date: 03/31/2018
Bid Number: 2017.02.07.092049
Stand-alone Bid Indicator: No
     Not a Stand-alone Bid Terms and Conditions:
Rate Form/Type Code Desc: Reservation Charge Only
Bidder Bid Basis Desc: - Non-Index-Based Release - Absolute Dollars and Cents per Unit Basis
Rate Bid: 0.045
Bid Quantity - Contract: 1500000
Bid Minimum Quantity - Contract: 1500000
Bidder Lesser Quantity Indicator: No
Bidder's Contingency Indicator: No
     Bidder's Contingency Terms:

Offer Quantity and Location Information
Location/Quantity Type Indicator Description: Storage Qty
Measurement Basis Description: Million Btu's
MDIQ Ratchets and Quantities
Location Name Location Loc Purp From Qty To Qty MDQ Primary Qty Secondary Qty IT Qty
Gulf Run 822033 IJ 0 1,500,000 45,600 45,600 0 0

MDWQ Ratchets and Quantities
Location Name Location Loc Purp From Qty To Qty MDQ Primary Qty Secondary Qty IT Qty
Gulf Run 822033 WR 0 1,500,000 124,800 124,800 0 0
Offer Rate Information
Market-Based Rate Indicator:
Rate Identification Code: Res
Reservation Rate Basis Description: Per Month
Surcharge Indicator Description: 1. Rate(s) stated include all applicable surcharges; no surcharge detail or surcharge total provided
IBR Index-Based Capacity Release Indicator: No