Statement Date/Time: 04/25/2024 04:47:15 PM

Capacity Release - Bid
TSP Name: Monroe Gas Storage Company LLC
TSP: 790550920

Offer Information
Offer Number: 2021.09.29.110351
Affiliate Indicator: None
Release Term Start Date: 10/01/2021   Release Term End Date: 03/31/2022
Min Offer Qty - K: 100000 Dth   Max Offer Qty - K: 100000 Dth
Bid Receipt Date: 09/30/2021
Bid Receipt Time: 11:27
Posting Date: 09/30/2021
Posting Time: 11:27
Status: Original
Releaser: 103051234
Releaser Name: Horton Highway Utility Distrcit
Special Terms and Miscellaneous Notes: Replacement Shipper will pay to Monroe Gas Storage Company volumetric charges including $.01/Dth on injection volumes, $.01/Dth on withdrawal volumes, [negotiable]/Dth on excess injection volumes (as operationally available), [negotiable]/Dth on excess withdrawal volumes (as operationally available), and fuel reimbursement of 1.6% in-kind on injections. This release is made pursuant to an asset management arrangement between the releasing shipper and the replacement shipper. Please note that the capacity release rate posted is not reflective of the actual asset management compensation arrangements between the releasing shipper and the replacement shipper. The actual compensation paid or other consideration provided to the releasing shipper by the replacement shipper for this prearranged capacity release and as part of the asset management arrangement constitutes financially sensitive information that will be made confidentially available to and upon request from the Federal Energy Regulatory commission pursuant to FERC Order No. 712. The replacement shipper, upon notification from the releasing shipper, is obligated to deliver quantities equal to the releasing shipper’s full requirements up to the capacity hereby released to replacement shipper on each and every day during the release term. Transactions may be subject to ACA charges.

Bid Details
Bidder's Release Term Start Date: 10/01/2021   Bidder's Release Term End Date: 03/31/2022
Bid Number: 2021.09.30.112720
Stand-alone Bid Indicator: No
     Not a Stand-alone Bid Terms and Conditions:
Rate Form/Type Code Desc: Volumetric Charge Only
Bidder Bid Basis Desc: - Non-Index-Based Release - Absolute Dollars and Cents per Unit Basis
Rate Bid: 0
Bid Quantity - Contract: 100000
Bid Minimum Quantity - Contract: 100000
Bidder Lesser Quantity Indicator: No
Bidder's Contingency Indicator: No
     Bidder's Contingency Terms:

Offer Quantity and Location Information
Location/Quantity Type Indicator Description: Storage Qty
Measurement Basis Description: Million Btu's
MDIQ Ratchets and Quantities
Location Name Location Loc Purp From Qty To Qty MDQ Primary Qty Secondary Qty IT Qty
TETCO M1 30 75578 IJ 0 39,600 2,800 0 0 0
TETCO M1 30 75578 IJ 39,601 59,400 2,700 0 0 0
TETCO M1 30 75578 IJ 59,401 100,000 1,600 0 0 0
Tennessee Gas Pipeline 500L 421061 IJ 0 39,600 2,800 0 0 0
Tennessee Gas Pipeline 500L 421061 IJ 39,601 59,400 2,700 0 0 0
Tennessee Gas Pipeline 500L 421061 IJ 59,401 100,000 1,600 0 0 0
Monroe_Gas_Storage_Hub 111111111 IJ 0 39,600 2,800 0 0 0
Monroe_Gas_Storage_Hub 111111111 IJ 39,601 59,400 2,700 0 0 0
Monroe_Gas_Storage_Hub 111111111 IJ 59,401 100,000 1,600 0 0 0

MDWQ Ratchets and Quantities
Location Name Location Loc Purp From Qty To Qty MDQ Primary Qty Secondary Qty IT Qty
TETCO M1 30 75578 WR 0 12,199 380 0 0 0
TETCO M1 30 75578 WR 12,200 19,799 1,000 0 0 0
TETCO M1 30 75578 WR 19,800 35,599 1,600 0 0 0
TETCO M1 30 75578 WR 35,600 67,299 2,300 0 0 0
TETCO M1 30 75578 WR 67,300 100,000 2,960 0 0 0
Tennessee Gas Pipeline 500L 421061 WR 0 12,199 380 0 0 0
Tennessee Gas Pipeline 500L 421061 WR 12,200 19,799 1,000 0 0 0
Tennessee Gas Pipeline 500L 421061 WR 19,800 35,599 1,600 0 0 0
Tennessee Gas Pipeline 500L 421061 WR 35,600 67,299 2,300 0 0 0
Tennessee Gas Pipeline 500L 421061 WR 67,300 100,000 2,960 0 0 0
Monroe_Gas_Storage_Hub 111111111 WR 0 12,199 380 0 0 0
Monroe_Gas_Storage_Hub 111111111 WR 12,200 19,799 1,000 0 0 0
Monroe_Gas_Storage_Hub 111111111 WR 19,800 35,599 1,600 0 0 0
Monroe_Gas_Storage_Hub 111111111 WR 35,600 67,299 2,300 0 0 0
Monroe_Gas_Storage_Hub 111111111 WR 67,300 100,000 2,960 0 0 0
Offer Rate Information
Market-Based Rate Indicator:
Rate Identification Code: Vol
Reservation Rate Basis Description: Per Month
Surcharge Indicator Description: 1. Rate(s) stated include all applicable surcharges; no surcharge detail or surcharge total provided
IBR Index-Based Capacity Release Indicator: No